716 Candles - Lights of Lincoln County
No place in America is unaffected by the impact of substance use and the opioid epidemic. That includes Lincoln County, Maine. Each year, our close-knit rural community sees loved ones dying from overdose, hundreds receiving treatment for substance use disorder, and thousands experiencing the negative impact of addiction, either themselves or through someone they love.
That’s almost everyone in the county.
Join us in doing something about it!
Presented by Healthy Lincoln County in partnership with multiple individuals, organizations, and businesses, 716 Candles is a series of free events taking place in Maine’s Lincoln County in late August 2023 to commemorate International Overdose Awareness Day. With art, music, stories, remembrances, resource tables, speakers, and more, 716 Candles will:
- honor the lives of those lost to and hurt by substance use;
- de-stigmatize addiction by underscoring the humanity of those affected by it;
- build general awareness on matters related to addiction and the opioid epidemic;
- educate on prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and paths to wellness;
- underscore that we are all in this together, and can all be a part of making things better.
Date and Time
Saturday Aug 26, 2023
Dates and times for all 5 events:
Lincoln County - Damariscotta
Lights of Lincoln County
Boothbay Harbor
International Overdose Awareness Day
Art Walk & Parade of Candles
Love and Remberance
Please follow us on Facebook and spread the word!
Free Admission.
Contact Information
Peter Bruun
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