Tribal Arts & Antiquities - Specialty Auction
Thomaston Place Auction Galleries presents collections of international tribal artifacts and antiquities in a two-day sale on Friday & Saturday, Sept. 22 & 23, starting at 10 a.m. each day. The auction will include groups of Native American/Inuit, African, Oceanic, Pre-Columbian and ancient Mediterranean artifacts gathered from estates and collections throughout the Northeastern U.S.
The auction on Friday will start with 100 lots of antiquities collected from throughout the Mediterranean region, featuring ancient glass, alabaster and marble sculptures, terracotta figures and vessels, bronze objects, and a great variety of early lamps.
This will be followed by 150 lots of Pre-Columbian artifacts, such as a Mochica culture Tumi ceremonial knife from the 1st Century AD, Peru; a rare 550-950 AD Mayan censer in the form of the decapitated head of a sacrificial victim; and a circa 1325-1550 Incan solid gold Tupu from Peru.
Approximately 200 lots of Native American and Inuit items will follow, featuring: a Northwest coast Haida carved and polychrome painted totem; a Yupik spirit mask of a fox; a circa 1890 Maine Wabanaki Penobscot war club with owl head form carved root ball; plus basketry, pottery, weavings, and Inuit carvings. And lastly, this day will offer approximately 50 lots of Oceanic pieces, such as a carved and painted Papua New Guinea life-sized Middle Sepik River guardian figure and an 18th Century Fiji pre-contact chieftain status whale tooth necklace.
On Saturday, a diverse group of 425 lots of fine Sub-Saharan African artifacts will include: a large selection of masks, led by a beaded helmet mask from the Kuba people (Zaire) depicting Bwoom, the brother of Woot; a Yoruba (Nigeria) figural beaded headdress; a life-size Benin bronze depicting a standing warrior king; a rare Igbo-Ukwu bronze ritual drinking cup in the form of a leopard astride a conch shell; a domu harp from the Mangbetu Tribe (D.R.C.); PLUS four beautiful animal paintings by Robert Melburn Doucette.
The auction will begin at 10 a.m. The complete sale catalog can be viewed at Thomaston Place Auction Galleries’ website, www.thomastonauction.com.
The gallery is open for previews Monday - Thursday, Sept. 18 - 21 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. Previewing will also be available on auction days, Friday & Saturday, Sept. 22 & 23 from 9 - 10 a.m.
Call 354-8141 to reserve seats at the sale. Telephone, absentee, and online bidding on three internet platforms will also be available. Visit our website or call for more info.

Date and Time
Friday Sep 22, 2023 Saturday Sep 23, 2023